sports massage

What is a “Sports Massage”? Firstly, what it isn’t is a beauty massage or a cosmetic skin polish type of treatment! It’s not the same as you would experience at a Spa or hotel. It is focused, powerful bodywork with medically-proven benefits for the musculoskeletal, biochemical and nervous systems. Sports Massage therapists undertake extensive training and thoroughly understand the body and how training impacts performance, so they are able to deliver an effective treatment tailored to the individual.

Elite and professional athletes consider Sports Massage a vital part of their training routine, both to improve their performance and boost recovery after a workout. This fact alone should be sufficient to convince most of the value of a Sports Massage. The reality is that all gym-users – not just the serious weight-lifters and elite members – will benefit as all will experience some discomfort and tension.

Finally, not all Sports Massage hurts! The treatment is often done with great pressure using elbows and knuckles, but my treatments are not. I work provide deep and powerful massage but I guarantee no pain during the session. Indeed, first-time clients are surprised at how well, relaxed, flexible and loose they feel immediately afterwards.

In up-coming articles, I’ll describe specific benefits of Sports Massage. Meanwhile, if you’d like to find out more, check out my website or give me a call.

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