Massage relieves MigraineAbout Headaches & Migraine

A Headache and even more so a Migraine Headache can cause intense throbbing or a pulsing sensation in the head and may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and extreme sensitivity to light and sound.  These conditions are miserable.

Stress is a common background to headaches & migraine, as is tension in the neck, jaw, face and head from overwork, anxiety or poor posture.

Whilst there seems to be no actual cure for those susceptible to migraine, research shows that massage is a useful treatment that can relieve the symptoms and even help prevent headache & migraines.

How Does Massage Relieve Migraine Headaches?

Massage will reduce blood pressure, which will reduce the pressure in the blood vessels of the head and scalp.  It is also a powerful and drug-free way of reducing stress in the body and mind.

Massage also reduces the tension in the muscles, so massaging the upper back, neck and head will help reduce a trigger of the condition.

Get help with Migraine & Headaches

I won’t claim that massage is a cure for migraines, but regular massage can help keep Migraine Headaches at bay by preventing the build-up of several Migraine triggers.  I have worked with many clients who have experienced reduce levels of headache and migraine as a result of regular massage.

Massage also teaches you to better monitor how you are feeling, enabling you to be aware of when you are getting stressed and take action soon.

One of the actions I always suggest is a headache diary – this one is from the National Migraine Centre.  This will help show how frequent the attacks are and how effective the various treatments – massage included – actually are.