It’s hot again – looks like summer is here. Which is excellent! But it is hot and drying and our bodies need liquid to work properly.

So – drink water.

I know that boring and everyone says it and blah, blah, blah. But it’s true, important and easy to do.

Here’s my simple tips for getting fluid into my system all year round:

  • Take a glass of water to bed with you each evening and drink it all when you first get up in the morning.
  • Get yourself a glass bottle of posh water from the supermarket and drink it.
  • Keep the bottle and put it somewhere where you regularly are during your day, so perhaps:
    • By the kettle
    • By your PC at your desk
    • By your usual chair
    • In the car (get a reusable one, not a glass one for the car)
  • Fill the bottle first thing in the morning. Filtered water is best – we use a jug filter we keep in the kitchen – but if you don’t have one, from the tap is better than nothing.
  • Aim to drink the whole bottle by lunchtime. Then refill it.
  • Aim to drink most of that by the evening.

That’s it really. Please use a reusable bottle and don’t go out and buy plastic bottles of water though … There’s lots of advice out there on how much to drink, the dangers of drinking too much, what kind of water etc but really most of us just need to drink around 2 litres a day – 2 bottles. Easy.

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