Massage can relieve sciatica


Sciatica is not a disorder in itself.  Sciatic pain is a symptom of a problem related to the sciatic nerve.  In this image, you can see the Sciatic nerve gathering together from the base of the spine and passing down through the glutes into the leg.

The Sciatic nerve is about as thick as your finger and it is easily constricted.  This may be caused by a structural problem in the spine such as a bulging disc, but more typically is due to muscle tightness in the lower back, glutes or legs.

You may experience a range of symptoms, from a pain or soreness in the glutes, tingling or pain down one side of your leg or foot or numbness in your foot or toes.

How Massage Can Help Sciatica

Because the restriction is generally caused by muscles, massage will give immediate relief from sciatic pain.  Once the lower back and glutes are softened, movement becomes easier and the condition lessens over time.  The symptoms of Sciatica can often be completely resolved after 4 sessions and regular massage every 2-4 weeks usually ensures that the condition is kept away.