I have great success reducing and removing symptoms for many clients, whether they have just started having problems or whether they’ve been suffering for years.  However, one thing I have seen repeatedly is that the length of time it takes to resolve their symptoms depends on 3 things:

  1. How long the symptoms have been present
  2. Whether there is an underlying structural problem or reason why they are occurring
  3. How committed the client is to a resolution

If you woke up yesterday morning with a stiff neck then yes, it’s likely I can resolve that in one massage session.  If someone has had symptoms for longer than a few months, it generally takes about 5 sessions to see a significant improvement – and they have to actually commit to those sessions.

Which brings me to the second point – whether there is a structural problem.  If you have a curved spine or vertebral disc degeneration or arthritis, then a few massages are not going to resolve the problem.  What treatment regularly does do is to greatly reduce the symptoms or even eliminate them altogether.

Lifestyle is also a factor – if you habitually drive for hours and then get busy loading and unloading big items, that is continually putting pressure and strain on your body and a few treatments won’t fix it for ever.  I do frequently help keep people in this situation virtually symptom-free though with an initial series of treatments then regular maintenance treatments monthly.

Bringing me to the final point – how committed a client is to resolving their problems.  Massage will help the vast majority of “everyday”, physical issues that most of us are likely to face in our lives – aches, pains, strains, tiredness, anxiety, sleep problems etc.  But you have to book and come to the sessions consistently.

I’m remined of a recent success story that demonstrates all these points well.  I’ll call him Steve.  Steve is mid 30’s and is fit and strong.  He has a demanding physical lifting/carrying arms and hands job and is a keen cricketer in his spare time (he bowls).  He came with persistent sharp pain in his right arm and shoulder, which he’s had for several years.

I took a full medical history and there seemed no structural reason for the pain.  Pain meds hadn’t worked, nor had physio.  After the initial session, I recommended that he commit to a series of 4 sessions – one per week – and review after that, so 5 in total.  Each time he came back it was the same story – “it’s a bit better, some days, then it comes back”.  At the start of session 5 he sat down and with a big smile said that he had no pain at all.

Because he committed and invested in his own wellness, we have been able to remove long-standing symptoms.  With regular monthly work he should remain pain-free.

What’s possible for you?

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