I’ve written before about the benefits of regular massage – and the fact that I myself have regular treatments twice a month.  I’ve written in my bio about my background and the fact that I had a breakdown some years back.  What I’ve not done is to draw the link between those facts for you.

For me, the breakdown was the culmination of months certainly and probably years of pressure and stress building up in my system.  I was unused to feeling how I was because the pressure of my life forced me to be proactive, move forwards, ACT rather than feel.  Eventually, through a series of unfortunate events, life forced me to take time out and recover.

It was during that time that I realised that I was very poor at noticing how I actually was feeling because I was out of the habit of looking, feeling, asking myself how I was.  I had no deliberate practice or habit of checking in with myself about how I was doing.

Massage became that habit for me.  During my training I received dozens of hours of excellent bodywork, sometimes whole weekends of several treatments a day, during which time I learnt to let that touch in and to feel how I was actually feeling.

Yes I relax on the couch.  Yes I feel my energy restored.  Yes I get to experience a rare hour of peace and quiet all to myself.  Yes my muscles are softened and loosened in a way that I can’t do for myself.

But more than that, I get a whole hour to lay and notice how I feel and check in with myself.  How IS my energy today?  I’m feeling a bit tired, lethargic – ok, maybe time for an early night or two.  My stomach is feeling bloated – maybe reduce portion sizes a bit.  My left shoulder is aching again – mental note to check my posture while I’m typing (which I just did and guess what, my left shoulder was slightly elevated).

That is the real value of massage for me and the main reason why I continue to travel almost an hour each way to have regular treatments with someone I trust and whose work I value.  It gives me a reference point, a way to check in with how I am feeling and a window to discuss how I’m doing with someone not connected with my life, but interested and observant.  Someone who can remark, “have you lost weight recently?” and give me a chance to focus on how I’m doing physically again.

I also stick with the same therapist because I know what to expect, I am comfortable with the work and I can relax instantly.  That makes it 100 times for effective.

For those of us fortunate enough to be well, fit, strong and healthy, THAT’s the best reason I can give for regular massage, even and perhaps ESPECIALLY when you feel well, to provide a checkpoint so that you are able to notice when things go a bit off-course and be able to correct before it becomes a problem.

Please – book in and get regular (every month at least) massage yourself …

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