get more energyLet’s face it, we could all do with a bit more energy at this time of the year!  Darker mornings, colder, wetter weather and what with Christmas coming up, it all seems to be getting a bit frantic doesn’t it.

So, who fancies some more energy?  Here’s 3 simple tips that I have proven for myself and which both my massage and coaching clients have said they benefit from.

1.      Eat fewer “white carbs”, more protein and more vegetables and raw food.  This is about metabolism, about energy creation and usage.  White carbs are things like white bread, rice, pasta, potatoes and starchy root vegetables.  Why?  Because starchy carbs take lots of energy to process in the body.  Ever noticed how lethargic you feel after a traditional Sunday lunch?  Roast spuds, gravy (with starch to thicken it), Yorkshire pud?  Unfortunately, these are the sorts of foods that many of us crave this time of year.  An unhelpful day might be toast for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch and something with chips or a jacket potato for dinner.  I’m not proposing a low-carb or no-carb diet, just to moderate the starchy carbs and make sure we eat lots of other things.  Consider the whole day and balance your choices.  Have toast in the morning, a salad with meat or vegetable protein for lunch and your normal dinner just with a little potato and lots of veggies or more salad.  Drink lots of water and clear fluids too.

2.      Move more.  Paradoxically, when we feel tired and low in energy, moving will actually create more energy and help us feel better too.  Movement also counters low mood, depression and SAD (season affect disorder).  This doesn’t need a 60-minute bodypump class (although you can if that works for you).  Just go for a walk.  20-30 minutes brisk walking will do the trick, get you out in the fresh air, away from your desk, moving and generating energy.  Set yourself the challenge – walk every working day and see how you feel after a week.

3.      Get more (and better quality) sleep.  If you are tired, the simple answer may be that you need more sleep.  An hour more sleep will make a huge difference.  Instead of finishing that movie on Netflix, pause it (it’ll still be there tomorrow night!) and get to bed earlier.  There is no “normal” for how much sleep we need – we are all different – but try getting an hour more sleep for a week and see how you feel.  Oh and no screens before or in bed!  Switch that phone off, no TV in bed either.  Read, meditate, rest.

We are basically animals and this time of the year many animals are slowing down and some even hibernate.  Although this isn’t a choice for most of us, it’s natural that our energy will begin to drop, so make sure to support yourself by eating well, moving more and getting the rest you really need.


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