Massage will keep you laying golden eggs
I love this quote from the great Stephen Covey. It’s based on the fable of the goose that lays the golden eggs.
P is Production – the eggs which are the results of our labours – the experiences, wealth and learning we see.
PC is Production Capacity – the golden goose – our minds, intellects, training and our bodies – the one single thing that enables us to achieve all that we achieve.
The P/PC balance describes the constant juggling act between working hard to get results and resting, restoring and maintaining ourselves to enable us to go on producing.
At one extreme we could work ourselves to death to maximise the production – but we get depleted and exhausted and can’t maintain the effort and we end up crashing.
At the other extreme, we do too much resting, waiting, thinking … not taking enough action with the result that we create little if any gold.
The P/PC Balance is that point where we work effectively, create great results consistently and also invest wisely in ourselves – in the only body we will ever have – so that we can maintain that effectiveness.
Regular Massage Keeps Us Able To Lay Those Eggs
Which brings me to regular massage.
Many people think that massage is only for when you are in pain or have an injury, or the occasional pamper while you are on holiday.
Not true.
Regular massage is an investment in the only body you will ever have. It is an investment in your ability to live, work, earn, love, learn, experience and enjoy life. These are the golden eggs – the production or wealth and results in your life.
I have treatments twice a month myself because I know the benefits first hand – it helps keep me healthy and well, fit and strong. It enables me to deliver benefits to dozens of clients every month. They get great treatment in part because I look after myself well.
I see clients go from pain, limping and sore to tall and smiling.
I see folk tired, stressed and not sleeping to being relaxed, refreshed and feeling human again.
It happens daily in my treatment room.
I know that regular massage will enable to you feel and move better. It will improve your life.
To find out more, give me a call or book in for a treatment to see how it can benefit you.