belly breathingMy recent post about meditation a couple of weeks ago struck a chord with people. It seems that lots of people need headspace – some peace in their lives.

Is this you? Would you like a slice of peace and tranquillity? Would you like some right now?

Because the answer is within your reach.

You have everything you need to get it.

Want to know how?



The answer is … BREATHE.

Seriously.  And I can prove it to you.

Want to have a go together now? Follow with me here and I’ll show you how (so long as you’re not driving!).


Have a seat, sit back in your seat, push your bottom into the back of the seat and let your back be fully supported – sink back, feet flat on the floor.

Take a deep, slow breath and sink even back further.

Now – if you feel comfortable to – place one hand on your chest and the other on your belly. Breathe normally, it doesn’t have to be slow or deep, just an effortless breath. Try to breathe into your belly, so that your belly hand moves first, then your chest hand.

Don’t try hard, just breathe effortlessly.

Feel your breathe coming in and out – just breathe easily … in …. and … out.

Notice how your belly hand feels on your tummy, notice how it moves first.

Breathing slowly.

When you are ready, close your eyes and do this for a few minutes.




Welcome back.

So, how do you feel now?

Let me know 🙂

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